Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Pet Peeves

I'm sort of a grouch today so I thought I'd do a much overdue post centered around those things I find most annoying. Some of these may have been mentioned in a previous post about CTA manners, but I feel they're worth repeating since people have yet to alter their ways.

People who stand on escalators. Unless you are handicapped in some way, don't stand on the escalator. The escalator was invented to aid in stair stepping, not to completely take the work out of scaling heights. You have legs so use them. If you insist on perpetuating your utter laziness, at least stand to the right. Not everyone is okay being trapped behind you because you chose to stand in the middle of the escalator. Let those who aren't completely consumed with sloth pass you.

People who don't stand up to let you out on the CTA. I live pretty far North on the Brown line, so in the morning, I generally get a window seat. By Belmont I have someone sitting next to me. When it's time for my exit, they don't stand up to let me out. No. They swivel their legs and act like that's good enough. Well you know what? It's NOT! Stand up for five seconds. I don't want to press against you to leave. On top of that, when my purse smacks you in the head due to lack of room, don't glare at me, it's your own damn fault. In fact, I would say thanks to your own lethargy, you deserved it.

Wintry Mix. You're not snow, your not rain, you're wintry mix. You are a nasty slushy raining down from the heavens leaving me not only wet but freezing wet because you can't make up your mind what you want to be. I don't know how to dress for you. Should I bring an umbrella? Will that look silly when you turn back to snow? Are my snow boots waterproof enough? You are the worst weather condition aside from maybe a tornado. It's you who make me half serious when I joke about moving back to Florida.

So there's a nice little group of pet peeves. I have more, but I'm putting myself in a grumpier mood than before by airing my grievances.

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