Thursday, May 27, 2010

Nonsense Reporting

Is there really so little new to report that the New York Times must publish stories that befit a college newspaper? Here is an article about dorm rooms that at one time famous people lived in, because, you know, anyone besides Yale and Princeton students are going to care that Michelle Obama lived in this hall and James Stewart lived in that one. Dear Alison Leigh Cowan and David Walter, please start doing your job as journalists and start reporting the news, or at least stories that have a some sort of purpose. If not, I'm sure your college papers will be happy to have you back.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

On Being an Adult

I am an adult. At least legally. I'm 22 (three months from 23)so I've been an "adult" for a while now, yet I don't feel like I've quite gotten my sea legs. Let's take a look at all of the adult things I have:

1) A Job. A real life, 9 to 5 (well 7:45-5:15), full-time job. So monies are going into my bank account. Woot.

2) A lease. Yeah yeah, I have a studio apartment that I share with a cat. It's too expensive and I can't wait to get out. Whatever.

3) Insurance! Okay, so technically I don't have it yet, but I'll have it in less than a month. This includes dental!

4) 401k. This is the one that makes me feel most like an adult. I see pictures of a corpulent man behind a mahogany desk, a green lamp perched on top, telling me I need to save, save, save. Once again, I don't have it yet but I'll have it in about a month.

But I don't feel like an adult. I feel shaky, like I still have end dates. All my life I've had a point when something would end, mostly school followed by temp jobs. Now my future just stretches blankly before me. I've passed all the mountains, nothing but plains as far as the eye can see. It's like sliding off a cliff with nothing to hold onto.

I miss school. I know when I go back in a couple of years it won't be the same. Grad school is a whole new can of worms. A new adventure? I hope so. A new debt free adventure like my undergrad? My fingers are crossed. I guess grad school has an end date, but it also doesn't have a start date. It's ephemeral, intangible. I don't count it quite yet.

I like being an adult. I like that I can go have a beer after work. I like having a paycheck. I like buying my own groceries. There are so many great things that come as perks of being an adult that I can't wait until I'm better at it.


I have been perusing a website dedicated to angry housewives against the feminist movement. I'm generally not one for extremes. I like to look at opinions from both sides. If I disagree with something, I make an attempt to understand why someone would agree with it. But this just burns me up!

Feminism today is not the man hating, bra burning movement it might have been in the 1960's. Today's Feminism is about choice. A woman can choose to stay at home and take care of the kids or a woman can choose to get a college education and pursue a career. I have admiration for both of these paths. But these women, oh, these ignorant women basically blame inflation and the growing financial impossibility of staying home with the kids on feminists. They say that porn and infidelity have increased since the 1960's. Maybe that's because today when a woman finds out that a man is sleeping around she can divorce his ass and not have to worry about how to survive. Infidelity and porn are simply more mainstream.

I'm getting a little sloppy. I apologize. The icing on this delightful cake is that it's a very Christian organization and believe women should fall into the biblical ideal of the female. I'm not sure what that means. Perhaps your parents should pick your husband or maybe your husband should be allowed multiple fawning wives. It's disgusting. These women physically disgust me. If you would like to be disgusted too, the link is below.

The Women Who Want to Send Society Back 100 Years

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

An Introduction to Me

I am a receptionist. That's not who I am, but what I am, at least currently. A bored receptionist. But that is not what this blog is about. This blog is about taking my hours of inactivity and turning them into something productive. I want to reach out into the Internet and find those things which most interest me and share them with you.

So that's a little bit about what I am and what I (think) I'm doing. So who am I? Who is this cute, 5'3 blond behind the desk, ankles crossed, smelling of Chanel Chance? I'm Heather, a graduate from Florida State University who moved to Chicago a year ago. I'm a photographer, an actor, a writer, a liberal, a feminist, and a cat person. I have an iPhone but my computer's a Dell. I enjoy eating berries of all kinds (currently munching on blueberries and cherries), but please don't let that fool you. I eat mostly things that will come back and bite me once I hit 30 and my metabolism comes to a screeching halt. Tea not coffee. Honey not sugar. Kickball not dodge ball. And I don't like soup.

And what will you find here? Oh, this and that as I attempt to figure out my own personal philosophy. Perhaps an article I found on The New York Times website or a picture of puppies that glow under a black light (something I actually saw today). Who knows? I plan on reviewing plays and movies or even books. I love history so expect little blurbs about things I learn. Consider this a scrapbook of my experiences.

Okay, yes this seems a bit egocentric and I wonder if anyone other than my parents will actually read this, but really, that's what blogs are. People with opinions. Oftentimes, unqualified opinions. And thus, with my head held high, I join their ranks with the mission of expanding my own mind, and, perhaps, yours as well.