Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I am Thankful

I thought after months of complaining Thanksgiving is the perfect excuse to examine and give thanks to those things which make me happy and, at times, give me satisfaction. I know I can be a bit of a negative Nancy, but I really have a pretty neat life.

Let's start on the macro level, my time. I happen to live in one the most tolerant and accepting times since the dawning of man (at least as I can tell). Let's focus for a moment on the United States since it's what I have the most familiarity with. Since the Civil Rights movement we've advanced leaps and bounds in the treatment of those who are "different" than our superficial idea of normal. We are far from perfect. Our treatment of the poor and weak regardless of color is shameful, but at least intolerance is no longer politically correct. I'm proud and hopeful to say in my lifetime gay men and women will finally be treated with the respect every human being deserves. Despite backwards thinking bigots, we will keep fighting for equality on every level. I am thankful for our determination to win this war.

I am thankful that I'm a woman in a world where I'm not trod on like a sexual doormat. I grew up knowing I could do anything that a man could do, that gender was not going to be a roadblock. I am thankful for the strong women before me who stood up to oppression and paved the way for me.

Now for the more personal thanks. I have a wonderful boyfriend to spend my time with. He's warm and sweet and smart and handsome. He makes me dinner. He puts up with my abrupt hi's and low's. He's pretty much everything a gal could need or want. I have two magnificent parents who take care of me even though I live hundreds of miles away and don't call nearly as much as I should. I have a cat who is happy to curl up on my chest, full of purrs, and nap. I have a job that I like with health insurance. I have money in savings. I have a roof over my head and food on the table. I have a comfortable bed and a large television.

I'm pretty damn lucky. I tend to forget that and as corny as this post may be, it's nice to remind myself that I am far from lost. I'm in a good place with good people. I am moving forward. I wish everyone could have it this good.

1 comment:

  1. Well, You are pretty lucky. I would agree that we could be in a better place. As your sister, I love you and am glad that you have a good life. I am thankful that I have wonderful kids, a loving husband. He cooks too and lets me complain when I need to. I can't wait for Christmas when you get here so we can spend time together. Miss you.
