Ack! Two weather posts in a row, but I have to. It's cold. According to Google, the weather is currently 33 degrees. Even in my office my fingers feel like little icicles and I've got goosebumps dotting my arms. My building doesn't understand the term "happy medium" when it comes to temperature.
Speaking of things that leave me cold, the election is on Tuesday next week. I'm honestly running out of things to say. The tea party continues to show their ignorance on a daily basis, resorting now to violence when confronted with reason. But the American people are convinced that the people running our country should be the guys they go have beers with on Friday night, not the educated, experienced, "elitists". If so much wasn't at stake, I would enjoy watching the far right continue our descent into a third world, backwards thinking country.
Our infrastructure is falling apart. Obama wants to inject money into our economy by improving roads, building high speed rail systems, etc. which would easily create millions of jobs. However, some of our politicians are so short sided all they can focus on is the money now. We're so intent on making a fast buck that slow, steady, secure fiscal growth is becoming obsolete. If we keep marching to the same beat, things will only continue to worsen. Let's invest in our future.
But no. Despite the fact that Obama has cut spending, depsite the fact that TARP is now making a profit, despite the fact that health care reform is saving money, the democrats are running this country into the ground. We're already broke, people. We were broke before Obama even began his presidential campaign. Let's do the math here. We had a surplus when Clinton was in office. Bush started two expensive, fruitless wars for oil when we could have invested in renewable engery sources on our own soil, and suddenly we had a multi-trillion dollar deficit. Obama was elected and is working with what he got handed. You don't have to be a political analyst to see the party that caused this mess and the party who has actually managed to stop the hemorraging.
But we don't read facts. We don't look at numbers that have proved the great things Obama has accomplished. We forget the past because it's much easier to point the finger at the present. It makes me sick. If the poor and down trodden want to continue to get kicked by the wealthy, if they don't want to be educated with the Pell Grants and financial aid that Obama has increased to decent levels, then maybe they deserve what they get. It's so much easier to scream bloody murder about taxes then to care about your fellow man dying from a treatable disease or the kid next door being able to afford a decent education. I was hoping it wasn't completely a dog-eat-dog world out there, but I guess that was naive of me.
Friday, October 29, 2010
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