Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Hello Friends,

Sorry it's been a week or so since my last post. Lately at work I've gone from bored receptionist to busy receptionist. I've been given new duties and responsibilities like it's nobodies business, which is, surprisingly, really great. I like to know that I'm contributing to the company. So, FYI, these might be limited to once a week.

There's a lot that has happened these past few weeks in the political realm. Paladino came out as a homophobic bigot, condemning his opponent for marching in a Gay Pride parade, which he deems disgusting. Long story short, despite the copious amounts of youth suicides resulting from gay bashing, a man running to be an integral part of our government is confirming their self loathing. Thanks, Paladino, that's just what our children need, to see how high and deep the roots of homophobia reach.

I don't understand how this hate speech is accepted as valid campaign propaganda. Grant it, campaigns are known for being ruthless, but this is akin to a racist running for office and calling a gathering on MLK day disgusting. We wouldn't stand for that, and neither should we stand for this.

Tolerance and the idea of "live and let live" are being thrown out the window. We are heading towards a social dictatorship ruled by Christian fundamentalists. Wouldn't are founding fathers be so proud?

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