Thursday, October 14, 2010

Oh, Rehearsal

As some of you may or may not know, I am in my first full length Chicago production. For the first time in my young life I'm having to find balance between rehearsing until 10 and waking up at 5:45am and I have a suspicion that sometime in the next three months coffee is going to make an appearance in my diet.

I've been careful to avoid caffeine addiction. I don't really like the taste of coffee in the first place, besides French pressed, because apparently I'm fancy like that, and add to the mix the jitters that I get soon after consumption and I lack any sort of desire to drink it unless in a complete fix. But the cold and exhaustion will indubitably lead to, at the very least, my drinking tea.

My next fear for rehearsal is that it is in fact flu season and I'm in a musical. Almost like clockwork, I get a cold at least once a year, occasionally twice. We don't start learning music until November and I can just see the little flu bugs giggling as they plot a way to be most destructive to my vulnerable vocal chords.

Some of your more discerning eyes might catch a bit of pessimism in today's entry. Honestly, I'm cold and I'm taking a bit of a stroll on the grumpy side of the street. It felt like fall this morning, and I don't like to be reminded of the icy brutality in store for the next five or so months. I feel quite unprepared for the task of keeping myself thawed. I don't have the mountain of long underwear and sweaters I so desire. I have summer dresses and whispy shirts.

So yes, grumble, grumble, tired grumble. On the plus side, I'm taking a personal day to study for the GRE tomorrow. On the down side, I'm taking the GRE on Saturday. So I guess you could say tomorrow the glass is half full...with vinegar.


  1. Nice blog! I like your writing way. I'm doing practice GRE here: . I hope it's useful for GRE test takers.

  2. Thanks, I'll have to check out that sight!
