Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Drip, Drip Drop

It's a miserably gloomy day here in rainy old Chicago. Despite the large skylights in my office, I'm depending heavily on my dim desk lamp to relieve the eye strain. Today is a sleepy kind of day that I'd rather be snoozing or reading a book, looking out at the grey city from my own apartment.
It's hard to be at work on a day like this. The lack of sun fills me with a lethargy I can't seems to shake. Knowing that eventually I will have to brave the wet world makes my mind numb.
It's a spooky day, wasted on the modern clean lines of the office. My age old interest in all things supernatural and folkloric is perking up again. Slowly, I find myself shaping a future career around this love.
For a while now, I have been planning to pursue an MA in History some time in the coming years. Nailing down what in history I want to study has been difficult. There is a plethora of historical knowledge I would love to possess. But, the other day I had an a-ha moment. American folklore. The history of legends and how they've shaped our society. That's what I want. Now how to get it.
UIC is currently my top pick. I desperately want to stay in Chicago. Loyola is an alternative. Tulane is an option stemming from my desire to study Southern folklore. If all of those fail, the year after I'll probably apply someplace in Florida, much to my chagrin. The truth is, I need this Master's and eventual Doctorate. I may have to travel for it.
Even as I write this, my heart clenches at the thought of leaving. There is too much here for me to leave behind for this to be an easy decision. Let's just cross our fingers I get into UIC.
Every program needs a 20+ page writing sample. When I read this, my jaw dropped. I expected that I would write lengthy papers once in grad school, but I've never written anything over ten pages. On top of that, this paper needs to be amazing. I'm guessing most of the people applying will have bachelor degrees in history, something I do not possess. My ability to get in rests on my GRE scores, writing sample, and cover letter. I need to be able to dazzle them with what little I've got.
And so, I've picked a topic: Marie Laveau and Feminism in 19th Century New Orleans. Of course, one of the books I desperately want to draw from is over $100. So here I have a nut of an idea and maybe it will grown into a tree. Maybe it won't but a cousin or a brother nut will.
But that's where I am, scared and drowsy. Nervous and lazy.

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