Wednesday, July 7, 2010


My generation is getting a bad rap. But is it earned? Out of all of my friends, I think I am closest to this idea of entitlement. Which isn't to say I believe I am entitled to anything. I have parents who have have been financially successful. Not rich by any means, but solidly middle class. Because of this, I have been, for lack of a better word, blessed. I made it through college almost completely debt free (the only loan I took out was to study abroad in London) and moved to Chicago without a job and virtually penniless, all through the love and generosity of my parents. But does this make me "entitled"?
I am well aware of how lucky I am. I have two wonderful parents who I can fall back on. But the truth is, I am fighting not to. I don't want to depend on my parents. It's not fair to myself and it is most certainly not fair to them. I want to succeed. I want to be able to buy my own plane ticket home for Christmas.
But here I am, about to lean on them once again as I get all my ducks in a row to potentially go to grad school. I'm a never ending drain of money. I take take take, and what do I give?
Life is expensive. Education is expensive. If I go to grad school, get my doctorate in history, where's the proof I can even get a teaching job? I see this picture of myself, thirty years older, twenty pounds heavier, sitting behind a desk answering phones, and writing a blog about everything I'm going to do.

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